Registration for Adidas 10k Paris on June 11 has been successfully completed.
Congratulations to those who managed to register!
Those who do not remember which team they are in or who need additional information, please contact Dolgoon or Anar in Signal Group’s Adidas10K.
Tickets for this year’s Adidas10K sold out at the speed of light. France’s largest organized 10km running event, this year is expected to see a huge turnout.
As shown in the table below, we have successfully registered 2 teams and 15 individuals in total.

And it didn’t happen!!!! This is a last chance for members who have not yet registered. Register as soon as it is announced on the adidas10k registration site. Good luck!
For runners:
After registration, each member will have an account on the site, and they will be able to log in with their email address and password to upload their medical records and review their personal information.
Medical certificate:
Those who are participating in the marathon for the first time should make an appointment with their family doctor for an examination and get a certificate that there are no health problems before entering the marathon or competition.
If you have it, you can reuse it. Valid for one year. Be sure to check the timing.
Points to note in the letter:
Write ‘Non contre -indication à la pratique de la course à pied en competition’. Note that if it is not written like this, you may need to replace it again.
If you do not know how to upload your medical record, please follow the instructions below.

And so our account is formed. All that remains is to prepare successfully.

Good luck to all! 🙌🏻
Thank you. 😉 (by Dulguun)